Giving Back

Let Girls Learn

“Those 62 million girls who are not being educated around the world impact my life in Washington, D.C. Because if we aren’t empowering and providing the skills and the resources to half of our population, then we’re not realizing our full potential as a society, as mankind, so we have to change those notions that girls are only valuable for their reproductive capacity, or their ability to do manual labor. We need every one of our citizens, boys and girls, to be educated and involved and empowered.”

– Michelle Obama

As we’re sure you know, here at Two Penny Blue it is our mission to help educate girls in need around the world –  so it’s no surprise we are huge supporters of the Let Girls Lean initiative by Michelle Obama, a government initiative helping girls attain a quality education.

Last week, Michelle was on tour in Africa to promote the initiative of educating ladies.  Her first stop was in Liberia, where she visited Camp GLOW (Girls Leading Our World) a leadership camp for girls sponsored by the Peace Corps.  During her visit at Camp GLOW Michelle urged the young ladies in attendance to stay in school and announced that Let Girls Learn received $27 million dollars in funding from the  United States Agency for International Development to aid in the support of Camp GLOW and similar organizations – amazing!!

On her tour Michelle also stopped in Morocco and joined up with Meryl Streep and Freida Pinto (talk about a girl gang goals) where these amazing women led a panel discussion with local girls, reminding them of the importance of education and keeping faith.  “In my own life I know that losing heart is the most dangerous thing,” Michelle stated, “You can put any obstacle in front of me and I will jump over it, but when you lose heart, you lose everything.”

Check out the clip above to hear more from these incredible woman and learn more about Let Girls Learn here.


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