Style Women We Love


You might recognize Amy Davidson from her various TV and movie roles, but now we are getting up close & personal with the star about her unique style and causes that are near & dear to her. We love a girl that gives back! Check out some of Amy’s favorite Two Penny Blue pieces for fall and get excited to learn more about her below!

Amy Davidson

Amy Davidson

Amy Davidson

Amy Davidson

Amy Davidson

1// How would you describe your personal style in 5 words? 

That’s a hard one 🙂 My style changes with how I feel that day! I’m a bit of a chameleon. But if I had to choose only five words I would say – Flirty. Sophisticated. Bohemian. Fun. Feminine.

2// What is your favorite place to shop for unique gifts that give back? 

There are so many fantastic boutiques in Los Angeles that have unique gifts that give back. One of my favorites is a store in Studio City called Trinkets and Treasures. They have so many gifts that share proceeds with animal rescues and children in need. One product line they sell that I love is called Out of Africa. I also love a yoga t-shirt line called which was created by a dear friend of mine Nicole Sherman. A portion of the proceeds from each T-shirt sale goes to, a charity to help save endangered sea turtles. Buy a shirt, save a turtle! Its so nice to know that there are companies that have a mission to give back.

3// You are so involved in giving back. Could you share with us some causes that are near and dear to you? 

About five years ago I was introduced to an amazing orphanage in Tijuana Mexico called Casa Hogar Scion. There’s on average over 100 children there from new born to 18 years old. My first trip down was full of emotions. I cried. I laughed. My heart broke and then it sang. It’s so rewarding to take the time to be amongst these innocent children. To help repair and paint a fence. Or change a diaper. Or wash 100 dishes and cups by hand. As they have no dishwasher. So many live without. How can we take the time to give back?

4// We love that you’re so down to earth! What advice do you have for our readers about keeping perspective?

Thank you! I try 🙂 For me, being a nice person is my number one priority. I love ot make people smile. So I take the time to give a compliment. To say hello or smile for no reason. yes, these are very small gestures but you never know how they may affect someone’s day. Kindness goes a long way. After all, we are all connected!

Thank you so much, Amy 🙂




Amy Davidson


Amy Davidson


Amy Davidson


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